ELS have a comprehensive Quality Management System that is ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certificated and our Internal Quality Assurance Manual is audited annually.
Our Business Management System details our approach to continuous improvement. It captures how we deliver quality services in accordance with the ISO. The ELS approach is to monitor, measure, analyse and evaluate our performance to ensure the quality of our service.
Meeting our client’s requirements and providing satisfaction is taken very seriously. Their views are captured through project management feedback and at the end of training projects through a Project Performance Evaluation (PPE) process, which includes a customer testimonial.
For the evaluation of training we normally survey the learners by email or via a link within the training platform which is completed either daily or at the end of a course. This captures the Kirkpatrick Levels 1 (Reaction) and 2 (Learning) to evaluate both the styles of delivery and meeting the training outcomes. The summary of the evaluations is used as part of our approach to continuous improvement, it also acts as a neat summary of learner feedback for our clients.